Search for tag: "oscillator"


We calculated the propagator for the simple harmonic oscillator using the Feynman path integral approach.

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 1 plays 0  


1) Discussed the Heisenberg equation of motion applied to the simple harmonic oscillator 2) Discussed coherent states

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 2 plays 0  


Studied the WKB approximation for a particle in a potential well (L15WKB_potential_well)

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 11 plays 0  


This is the QFT tutorial for Jan 18, 2021

From  Clifford Burgess 12 plays 0  


Physics 4Q03 Lecture 03: This lecture provides the foundation of much of what follows: the definition and properties of creation and annihilation operators. These operators provide a basis in terms…

From  Clifford Burgess 137 plays 0