Search for tag: "string"

Rotation & Centripetal Force

From  Lauren Fticar 0 plays 0  

2111 - Naturally Relaxed (Yoga) Models of Dark Energy - MIAPP

Talk given to the MIAPP workshop Dark Energy 2 on Nov 16, 2021

From  Clifford Burgess 5 plays 0  

2108-Inflation Overview-COSMO2021

This is a short personal overview of some topics in inflationary cosmology. Unfortunately the video froze during the first few slides, but it stops doing so not too far in. (Apologies for this.)

From  Clifford Burgess 6 plays 0  


EFTS, Gravity and Clues from the UV: Theory Group Seminar for Imperial College April 2021

From  Clifford Burgess 55 plays 0  


Started the set of slides on quantum computation and began discussing the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 4 plays 0  


Talk on EFTs and Inflation given to the Chung Ang University conference Beyond the Standard Model, Feb 3 2021.

From  Clifford Burgess 44 plays 0  


PHYS 2G03 FileIO raw ppt video

From  JAMES WADSLEY 111 plays 0  


2G03 Formatted IO raw ppt video

From  JAMES WADSLEY 76 plays 0  


Types and operators raw ppt video

From  JAMES WADSLEY 101 plays 0