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    88 plays 0  
    In this recorded session, Stephen Wilfread, Ontario Open Library Coordinator from eCampusOntario provides a brief overview of Open Educational Resources, and the…
  • From Alanna Carter

    69 plays 0  
  • From Alanna Carter

    45 plays 0  
    MacPherson Institute and MELD/MODEL have partnered to offer a series of 3 workshops intended to increase understanding of who English language learners (ELLs) are on…
  • From Mark Busser

    5,639 plays 2  
    If you are starting your first semester at McMaster, the first place to look for course information might be avenue.mcmaster.ca, the university's learning…
  • From Lisa Dyce

    1,231 plays 0  
  • From Stephanie Verkoeyen

    578 plays 0  
    This video tutorial will provide you with a brief overview of the Echo360 interface and how to access the Echo360 Student Experience course, where you can learn about…