08:55duration 8 minutes 55 seconds
What strategies do you suggest for balancing TA…
What strategies do you suggest for balancing TA work with grad studies?
From Stephanie Verkoeyen
09:11duration 9 minutes 11 seconds
How do you integrate accessible/inclusive…
How do you integrate accessible/inclusive teaching practices in your tutorial/lab?
06:34duration 6 minutes 34 seconds
What is your process of putting together a lesson…
What is your process of putting together a lesson plan? What steps do you take to conceptualize a plan?
05:35duration 5 minutes 35 seconds
What is a skill you think is undervalued or not…
What is a skill you think is undervalued or not talked about enough in regards to teaching?
07:04duration 7 minutes 4 seconds
What is one thing you wish you knew prior to…
What is one thing you wish you knew prior to starting your first semester as a TA? What advice would you give to a new TA?
04:25duration 4 minutes 25 seconds
What is one memorable moment from your time…
What is one memorable moment from your time teaching tutorials or labs?
04:43duration 4 minutes 43 seconds
Describe your first day in front of a classroom.…
Describe your first day in front of a classroom. What happened? How did it feel?
02:47duration 2 minutes 47 seconds
TA Panel Introductions
Public, Open