Search for tag: "breastfeeding"

The effectiveness of sucrose vs. breast milk/breast feeding for pain control during needle-related procedures in preterm infants: A systematic review | Shaneela Shahid | CHRD | March 2021

Shaneela Shahid (supervised by Peter Rosenbaum) delivers her CHRD award-winning presentation in the category of work completed by a Master's student: The effectiveness of sucrose vs. breast…

From  Cheryl Crocker 34 plays 0  

Investigating the impact of maternal cannabis use during pregnancy and lactation on breast milk composition | Chitmandeep Josan | CHRD | 2022

McMaster Pediatrics' PhD candidate, Chitmandeep Josan (supervised by Dr. Sandeep Raha), delivers her Child Health Research Day 2022 award-winning presentation: Investigating the impact of…

From  Cheryl Crocker 33 plays 0  

Coming to Consensus: Infant Feeding in HIV in Canada | Dr. Sarah Khan | May 4, 2023

Dr. Sarah Khan received her medical doctorate from the University of Ottawa and came to McMaster for her pediatric residency training, followed by Infectious Disease Fellowship at the Hospital for…

From  Johna Autencio 14 plays 0