Search for tag: "gift"

2022 BBBS_Volunteers Needed

Can be added as a supplemental video to BBBS on external hackathon webpage

From  BROOKE LUKE 228 plays 0  

Ling 2PS3 Listening Activity for Week 2

From  Catherine Anderson 102 plays 0  

A Message from Stacey - "September and Unknown Unknowns"

"BRING IT ON, September. Patience, flexibility, creativity, compassion, adaptation, collaboration, & mutual support are always good, but...they’re imperative now. If we bring those…

From  STACEY RITZ 93 plays 0  

forms of aging

From  JAMES GILLETT 41 plays 0  

Schroeder Gift

McMaster University alumnus Walter Schroeder and his family have given $10 million to the university to fast-track treatments and prevention research on the search to cure allergies.

From  fhsweb 38 plays 0