A wireless USB microphone used for zoom calls, recording an ad-hoc Echo360 Universal Capture, or even Kaltura Capture. We cover the hardware setup for Mac and PC.
The layout, features, and audio visual controls in LRW 1003, also known as 'the Community Room'.
Have a look at the basic functionality of common in-person classroom touch screen controls up close.
Learn how to record on your personal computer using Echo360 Universal Capture software.
Learn how to initiate an ad hoc recording using Echo360 for in-person classrooms.
This is a recording from our session that took place on March 8th, 2021. The 7 Core Skills of Accessibility for Document
Creation workshop will demonstrate document authoring methods in…
Some great tips for Mac users!
A short overview of the in-zoom audio and video controls.
Tutorial in using the MacVideo Editor
Tutorial in using the MacVideo Editor
In depth tutorial of MacVideo Editing including small introduction to media settings
Tutorial in using the MacVideo Editor