Search for tag: "creation"


4Q03 Lecture 11; This lecture argues why the Hamiltonian should arise as a local function in space, and this is used to motivate the definition of position-space fields. The local form for the…

From  Clifford Burgess 65 plays 0  


Physics 4Q03 Tutorial for Jan 25, 2021.

From  Clifford Burgess 17 plays 0  


This is the QFT tutorial for Jan 20, 2021

From  Clifford Burgess 20 plays 0  


Physics 4Q03 Lecture 04: This lecture extends the notions of creation and annihilation operators to fermions, and derives the anticommutation algebra that these satisfy. The lecture also sketches out…

From  Clifford Burgess 87 plays 0  

English 1F03 Lecture October 28

From  JEFFERY DONALDSON 365 plays 0  

02 - Accessible Presentation Techniques for Online Learning Platforms - Images, Graphics, and Charts.mp4

From  Tony Hoang 36 plays 0  

Finding and Using Open Educational Resources

This video provides an overview of what open educational resources are, and how to find and use them in your teaching and learning.

From  JOANNE KEHOE 66 plays 0  

3.4 - Results of a Merger/Acquisition

From  Amy Pachai 82 plays 0