Search for tag: "atom"

02_ECE716_Electromagnetic Principles of SRM_06E

From  BERKER BILGIN 35 plays 0  

20-EM Interactions w Polarizable Atoms

Physics 4Q03 Lecture 20: This lecture describes how to construct interactions between electromagnetic fields and the Schrodinger fields that describe slowly moving particles. The interactions…

From  Clifford Burgess 33 plays 0  


Finished selection rules (and thereby finished L17T_dep_PT_part3). Started new topic: adiabatic approximation (L18Adiabatic)

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 6 plays 0  


Set out the basic ideas of a quantum repeater (QI17_Quantum_Repeater)

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 3 plays 0  


Used first order time-dependent perturbation to study the interaction between atoms and incoherent light (L17T_dep_PT_part3)

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 4 plays 0  


Finished going through the slides L17T_dep_PT_part2 which included perturbations with harmonic time dependence, including the illumination of an atom by a laser. Started the next set of slides…

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 5 plays 0  


From  DUNCAN O'DELL 4 plays 0  


Covered L4Identical particles

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 4 plays 0  


This lecture is part of MedPhys 4D03 lecture series for the Fall 2020 semester. This lecture provides a brief introduction to the atomic structures. Discusses the importance of ionizing radiation…

From  Janos Juhasz 19 plays 0  

Unit 4 - PT - Part 1

From  Sharonna Greenberg 6,774 plays 3  

Atomic and Nuclear Physics

From  Troy Farncombe 108 plays 0  

Acid-Base Equilbrium

From  Linda Davis 2,255 plays 0  

Types of Reactions 2 (new)

From  Linda Davis 2,285 plays 0  

Review of Fall Session

This is the first part of the Monday lecture, where selected topics from the Fall session are reviewed. It consists of multiple choice questions and discussion around the solutions.

From  Janos Juhasz 69 plays 0  

Types of Reactions 3

From  Linda Davis 2,942 plays 0  

Bonding 3

From  Linda Davis 2,513 plays 0  

Bonding 2

From  Linda Davis 2,579 plays 0  

Bonding 1

From  Linda Davis 2,992 plays 0  

Electronic Structure 2

From  Linda Davis 2,902 plays 0  

Electronic Structure 1

From  Linda Davis 6,102 plays 0