Search for tag: "energy"

Enthalpy of Formation & Bond Enthalpy

From  Lauren Fticar 1 plays 0  

Example Problem - Heat Equation

From  Lauren Fticar 0 plays 0  

Heat Transfer & Phase Transitions

From  Lauren Fticar 0 plays 0  

Heat Equation & Specific Heat Capacity

From  Lauren Fticar 0 plays 0  

Bomb Calorimeters

From  Lauren Fticar 0 plays 0  

1st Law of Thermodynamics & Heat, Work

From  Lauren Fticar 0 plays 0  

1st Law of Thermodynamics & Path vs. State Functions

From  Lauren Fticar 0 plays 0  

Le Chatelier's Principle - Inert Gases & Catalysts

From  Lauren Fticar 0 plays 0  

Le Chatelier's Principle - Temperature

From  Lauren Fticar 0 plays 0  

Calorimetry - Oxygen Calorimetry Calculations - Week 2

CHEMENG 3L03 - Intermediate Laboratory Skills Lab: Calorimetry Week: 2 Topic: fundamental walkthrough of oxygen calorimetry

From  Kushal Panchal 46 plays 0  

Calorimetry - Fundamentals - Week 1

CHEMENG 3L03 - Intermediate Laboratory Skills Lab: Calorimetry Week: 1 Topic: fundamental walkthrough of calorimetry

From  Kushal Panchal 54 plays 0  

What does Improvisation Mean to you?

From  Shelir Ebrahimi 13 plays 0  

February 3, 2021 CityWide Rounds - Dr. Desigen Reddy

From  Taylor Torreon 6 plays 0  


Generalized our treatment of first order transitions to include a slow switch on of the perturbation.

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 2 plays 0  


Showed how to find transition amplitudes from the Dyson series. Began analyzing 1st order perturbations constant in time except for being switched on at t=t0.

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 2 plays 0  


Introduced the interaction picture

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 0 plays 0  


Started perturbation theory. Gave example of quadratic Stark shift of ground state.

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 1 plays 0  


Discussed how to obtain the WKB connection formulae using both the transitional approximation and the complex method. Also applied the WKB method to quantize wave functions in various potential wells.

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 0 plays 0  


First class on the WKB approximation

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 3 plays 0  


1) Discussed the Heisenberg equation of motion applied to the simple harmonic oscillator 2) Discussed coherent states

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 3 plays 0  

Group 01-Project 1-2Q03 F2022

From  Marissa Maciver 24 plays 0  

Group 15 - Project 1 - 2Q03 - F2022

From  Lara Abbas 26 plays 0  


From  BERKER BILGIN 40 plays 0  

09_ECE716_Converters in SRM_01

From  BERKER BILGIN 39 plays 0