Search for tag: "attenuation"
Week9_Nuclear_Imaging_and_reconstructionThis lecture is part of MedPhys 4D03 lecture series for the Fall 2020 semester. This lecture introduces the technology used in Nuclear Medicine Imaging and describes emission reconstruction in the…
From Janos Juhasz
12 plays
Week8_CT_Image_reconstrunctionThis lecture is part of MedPhys 4D03 lecture series for the Fall 2020 semester. This lecture describes the technology of computed tomography (CT) and presents the mathematics behind image…
From Janos Juhasz
14 plays
Week7_Physics_of_X-ray_FINALThis lecture is part of MedPhys 4D03 lecture series for the Fall 2020 semester. This lecture provides a brief introduction to the atomic structures. Discusses the importance of ionizing radiation…
From Janos Juhasz
20 plays
Mathematics essentialsThis is the second part of the Monday lecture. Review of basic mathematics and trigonometry.
From Janos Juhasz
67 plays