Objectives: 1. To discuss research ideas of faculty/trainees related to pediatrics education research 2. To create opportunities for research feedback and discuss future directions 3. To create…
Objective: To critically appraise a journal article about diagnostic accuracyArticle: Mamede S, van Gog T, van den Berge K, et al. Effect of Availability Bias and Reflective Reasoning on Diagnostic…
1. To discuss research ideas of faculty/trainees
related to peds education research
2. To create opportunities for research feedback and
discuss future directions
3. …
1. Describe
different ways in which parents can be involved in pediatric resident
Understand challenges associated with measuring and reporting…
Two Bite Brownie: Mixed Methods Research Designs –
Examples from Medical Education – Dr. Elif Bilgic Usefulness of asynchronous, virtual modules in pediatric respirology in…
Celluci presents on Effective Use of Educational Technology in Medical
Education: An Example of Assessing Clinical Competence in Undergraduate
Medical Education Through Immersive Virtual…