Search for tag: "filter"
Session 1: Data Visualization Tools with Juan Velasco - Relevant ResearchIn this workship, Juan Velasco demonstrates the use of free and practical tools like Tableau, Datawrapper and Flourish to create stunning and informative of static and interactive data…
From Allison Van
101 plays
WidefieldIntro21Intro to widefield imaging on a Nikon Fluorescence device and NIS Elements software. January 2021.
From Ray Truant
29 plays
Week8_CT_Image_reconstrunctionThis lecture is part of MedPhys 4D03 lecture series for the Fall 2020 semester. This lecture describes the technology of computed tomography (CT) and presents the mathematics behind image…
From Janos Juhasz
14 plays
Week6_ImageCompression_Noise_FilteringThis lecture is part of MedPhys 4D03 lecture series for the Fall 2020 semester. In this lecture the most widely used image compression, JPEG is presented and a description of the noise in digital…
From Janos Juhasz
17 plays
Finding Open Educational ResourcesA brief overview of the repositories and search strategies to find OER to use in your teaching.
146 plays
Student View: Adding a Flipgrid Video in Avenue to LearnThis video shows how to use Flipgrid for the first time from a student perspective. In this scenario, the Flipgrid topic has been embedded as a new file in the content section of Avenue to Learn. For…
From Mark Busser
234 plays