Indigenous Studies Program (ISP) and Indigenous Student Services (ISS) big room audio visual setup for the large display, the wireless microphone, and the blu-ray media player.
The layout, features, and audio visual controls in LRW 1003, also known as 'the Community Room'.
Physics 4Q03 Lecture 24: This lecture summarizes some aspects of special relativity, including its formulation in terms of the Lorentz group.
Set out the basic ideas of a quantum repeater (QI17_Quantum_Repeater)
Used first order time-dependent perturbation to study the interaction between atoms and incoherent light (L17T_dep_PT_part3)
Finished going through the slides L17T_dep_PT_part2 which included perturbations with harmonic time dependence, including the illumination of an atom by a laser. Started the next set of slides…
Finished going through QI12_Local_Measurements (partial traces etc) and also went through the EPR paradox (QI13_EPR)
Imaging module for DIC and phase contrast on the Nikon Eclipse. About 12 minutes in total
Basic confocal plus deconvolution imaging.
Intro to widefield imaging on a Nikon Fluorescence device and NIS Elements software. January 2021.
Went through the first slides in QI6_Spins_and_photons
Finished class communication theory and started QI6_Spins_and_Photons
Some great tips for Mac users!