Search for tag: "kinds"
Ethnographic Methods for Identifying Cultural Concepts of Distress: Developing Reliable and Valid Measure with Jeffrey Snodgrass"I review ethnographic methods that allow researchers to assess distress in a culturally sensitive manner. I focus on describing the development of reliable and valid culturally sensitive…
From Allison Van
0 plays
Transparency and Reproducibility: Doing Open Quantitative Social Science with Jeremy FreeseIncreasing the transparency and reproducibility of scientific research has received considerable attention over the past decade. Takeup of this call has varied considerably over the social sciences,…
From Allison Van
14 plays
The Role of Emerging Technology in Medical Education | Dr. Elif Bilgic | December 8, 2022Dr. Elif Bilgic is an Assistant Professor and Education Scientist in the Department of Pediatrics and MERIT program. She received her PhD from McGill University in Surgical Education and completed 2…
From Johna Autencio
34 plays
Saving Lives with Better Sound with Dr. Michael Schutz – Spark TalksShockingly, an FDA assessment found that medical device sound issues are linked to hundreds of fatalities each year. Despite the fact that the technology in these life-saving gadgets has grown at an…
From Allison Van
14 plays
The Social Autopsy with Dr. Stefan Timmermans – Spark TalksThe social autopsy takes the death of a set of individuals as its starting point and then critically and systematically examines social and political conditions to explain these deaths and…
From Allison Van
22 plays