Search for tag: "learner"

FHS Learner Health & Safety Orientation

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From  Amanda Klie 53 plays 0  

Using experiential learning theory to innovate and improve our clinical teaching | Dr. James Leung | February 29, 2024

Dr. James Leung is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. As of November 2022, Dr. Leung became Assistant…

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From  Johna Autencio 5 plays 0  

What happened with virtual/distance simulation in the pandemic? | Dr. James Leung | September 21, 2023

Objectives:1. Distinguish between the concepts of in-person simulation, distance simulation, hybrid-simulation virtual simulation, screen-based simulation, virtual patients, virtual reality and…

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From  Cassandra Russ 0 plays 0  

Principles of Validity in Medical Education: Considerations when Developing Research Projects - Dr. Elif Bilgic | Assessment in Multi patient Environments - Dr. Quang Ngo | March 16, 2023

Objectives: 1. To discuss research ideas of faculty/trainees related to peds education research 2. To create opportunities for research feedback and discuss future directions 3. …

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From  Cassandra Russ 4 plays 0  

The Role of Emerging Technology in Medical Education | Dr. Elif Bilgic | December 8, 2022

Dr. Elif Bilgic is an Assistant Professor and Education Scientist in the Department of Pediatrics and MERIT program. She received her PhD from McGill University in Surgical Education and completed 2…

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From  Johna Autencio 34 plays 0  


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From  dsbeddev 2 plays 0  

Introduction Video.mp4

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From  dsbeddev 50 plays 0  

Coaching Over Time | Faculty Development | Blake Yarascavitch | October 28, 2021

In this faculty development speaker series, Blake Yarascavitch discusses: - the distinction between coaching in the moment and coaching over time - the Royal College CPD coaching framework - the…

From  Cheryl Crocker 20 plays 0  

Three Tips for Narrative Feedback | Faculty Development | Naveen Sidhu | September 2021

Dr. Naveen Sidhu, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at McMaster University and pediatric critical care doctor at McMaster Children's Hospital, presents three tips for delivering narrative…

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From  Cheryl Crocker 24 plays 0  

Feedback (Forget the Theory - Moving to the "How") | July 22, 2021

Dr. Quang Ngo is a pediatric emergency physician and clinician educator. He is the founding program director for the pediatric emergency medicine subspecialty program. He discusses giving feedback,…

From  Tiffany Anderson 11 plays 0  

Coaching in the Moment | Pediatrics Faculty Development | Andrea Hunter | March, 2021

Dr. Andrea Hunter, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Program Director of McMaster University's core pediatrics residency program, shares strategies for clinical supervisors to create safe…

From  Cheryl Crocker 28 plays 0  

Direct Observations in Clinical a Busy Setting | Enas El Gouhary | May 2021

Dr. Enas El Gouhary, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at McMaster University, offers strategies for teaching faculty to incorporate observations in clinical settings.

From  Cheryl Crocker 26 plays 0  

Competency Based Medical Education in Pediatrics – From what and why to when and how | April 8, 2021

Dr. Bojana Babic is an Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at McMaster University. She is involved in the Clinician Educator Program at McMaster. She is the Associate Program…

From  GIULIA SPADAFORA 85 plays 0  

So you want to coach... or maybe the role just landed in your lap? | May 21, 2020

Dr. Robin Mackin is completing an academic fellowship in the Department of Pediatrics with a scholarly focus in Medical Education. Coaching is well developed in the world of sports, music and…

From  GIULIA SPADAFORA 21 plays 0  

Sept 2 Health and Safety Incident Reporting

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From  Lynnden Kelly 3 plays 0