Search for tag: "department of pediatrics"

Palliative Care Goals for Oral Health and Overall Health | Dr. Salome Lomlomdjian | May 25th, 2023

Dr. Salome graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry in Argentina, Brazil, and Canada. She is a member of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, the Ontario Dental Association (ODA),…

+7 More
From  ZOI SNYDER 28 plays 0  

Practical Strategies for Navigating High Stress/ Trauma Exposed Work | Diana Tikasz | Nov 10th, 2022

Diana Tikasz has worked in the teaching and healthcare sector for over 30 years specializing in trauma-focused work. Over the course of her career she has worked with the Emergency Department…

+28 More
From  ZOI SNYDER 48 plays 0  

High prevalence of Celiac Disease and Autoimmunity in first degree relatives enrolled in CeliacCONNECT | Nguyen & Huang | CHRD | 2022

McMaster University undergraduate students, Nikki Nguyen and Emma Huang (supervised by Dr. Jenna Dowhaniuk), deliver their CHRD award-winning research presentation, High prevalence of Celiac Disease…

+37 More
From  Cheryl Crocker 65 plays 0  

Applying Spaced Repetition and Test-Enhanced Learning in Pediatrics Academic Half Day Curriculum: A Qualitative Study | Gurdeep Singh | CHRD | 2022

McMaster Pediatrics Resident, Dr. Gurdeep Singh (supervised by Dr. Quang Ngo, with co-investigators Drs. Pinkal Patel and Jason McConnery), delivers his CHRD award-winning research presentation on:…

From  Cheryl Crocker 90 plays 0  

Investigating the impact of maternal cannabis use during pregnancy and lactation on breast milk composition | Chitmandeep Josan | CHRD | 2022

McMaster Pediatrics' PhD candidate, Chitmandeep Josan (supervised by Dr. Sandeep Raha), delivers her Child Health Research Day 2022 award-winning presentation: Investigating the impact of…

+30 More
From  Cheryl Crocker 34 plays 0  

What Test is Best? Detecting Sarcopenic Obesity in Survivors of Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia | Louise Guolla | CHRD | 2022

Pediatric resident and member of the Clinician Investigator Program, Dr. Louise Gulloa, supervised by Drs. Ronald Barr and Lehana Thabane of McMaster University's Department of Pediatrics,…

From  Cheryl Crocker 20 plays 0  

Pediatric Thrombosis and Hemostasis Research at McMaster | Anthony Chan | Nov. 18, 2021

Dr. Anthony KC Chan discusses 25 Years at McMaster: Experiential Personal Learning & Update of Pediatric Thrombosis & Hemostasis Research. Contributors: Dr. Mihir Bhatt, Dr. Anthony KC Chan,…

+11 More
From  Cheryl Crocker 264 plays 0  

Bridging the Gap: (6/6) - Changing the way we hire, promote and lead: Disrupting systemic “isms” in academic medicine | June 3, 2021

Dr. Sonia Anand is a Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology as well as the Associate Chair, Equity & Diversity in the Department of Medicine; Tier 1 Canada Research Chair, HSF/Michael G. DeGroote…

From  GIULIA SPADAFORA 39 plays 0  

Personalized Medicine in Paediatrics: What Does This Mean, & What Could It Look like? Capturing the Lives of Children & Youth | May 27, 2021

Cathy Humphreys is a Child Life Specialist, Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics & Assistant Dean of the Master’s of Child Life & Pediatric Psychosocial Care Program in…

From  GIULIA SPADAFORA 196 plays 0  

Pediatric Heart Failure & Transplantation: A Patient’s Journey | May 13, 2021

Dr. Jenna Ashkanase. Assistant Professor and Pediatric Cardiologist in the Department of Pediatrics, McMaster University. Shepreviously completed a combined research and clinical fellowship in…

From  GIULIA SPADAFORA 45 plays 0  

Building Bridges to Better Care, Child Health and Development | May 20, 2021

Dr. Jan Willem Gorter. Pediatric Physiatrist, Professor of Pediatrics and associate member in the School of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University. He is Director of CanChild and holds the…

From  GIULIA SPADAFORA 38 plays 0  

Coaching in the Moment | Pediatrics Faculty Development | Andrea Hunter | March, 2021

Dr. Andrea Hunter, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Program Director of McMaster University's core pediatrics residency program, shares strategies for clinical supervisors to create safe…

From  Cheryl Crocker 28 plays 0  

Direct Observations in Clinical a Busy Setting | Enas El Gouhary | May 2021

Dr. Enas El Gouhary, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at McMaster University, offers strategies for teaching faculty to incorporate observations in clinical settings.

From  Cheryl Crocker 26 plays 0  

Taking care of yourself while you care for others | May 6, 2021

Dr. Joanna Humphreys is an Assistant Professor and Pediatric Palliative Care Physician with the Quality of Life and Advanced Care Team in the Department of Pediatrics, McMaster University &…

From  GIULIA SPADAFORA 59 plays 0  

Bridging the Gap (5/6): Hospitality and Allyship in Clinical Care and Medical Education | April 29, 2021

Dr. Indra Narang is the Associate Chair in Faculty Development, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the Department ofPediatrics, HSC, Toronto. In her role as Associate Chair, Dr. Narang and her…

From  GIULIA SPADAFORA 43 plays 0  

In Pursuit of Normal: A Brief History of Growth Hormone | April 22, 2021

Dr. Hannah Geddie is an Assistant Professor and Pediatric Endocrinologist in the Division of Pediatric Endocrinology in theDepartment of Pediatrics at McMaster University. This presentation will…

From  GIULIA SPADAFORA 42 plays 0  

Improving childhood cancer outcomes in low- and middle-income countries through advocacy, policy, and research | April 15, 2021

DR. SUMIT GUPTA is a Staff Oncologist and Clinician Investigator at the Hospital for Sick Children. His research focused on identifying vulnerable subpopulations of children, adolescents, and young…

From  GIULIA SPADAFORA 24 plays 0  

Competency Based Medical Education in Pediatrics – From what and why to when and how | April 8, 2021

Dr. Bojana Babic is an Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at McMaster University. She is involved in the Clinician Educator Program at McMaster. She is the Associate Program…

From  GIULIA SPADAFORA 85 plays 0  

When a living system is suffering from ill health, the remedy is found by connecting with more of itself. (Francisco Varela) Safety Culture: Protocol of a QI Project | January 7, 2021

Dr. Salhab el Helou is an Associate Professor and the Division Head of Neonatology in the Department of Pediatrics, McMaster University. He is also the Medical Director of the NICU and the Hamilton…

From  GIULIA SPADAFORA 28 plays 0  

The effectiveness of sucrose vs. breast milk/breast feeding for pain control during needle-related procedures in preterm infants: A systematic review | Shaneela Shahid | CHRD | March 2021

Shaneela Shahid (supervised by Peter Rosenbaum) delivers her CHRD award-winning presentation in the category of work completed by a Master's student: The effectiveness of sucrose vs. breast…

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From  Cheryl Crocker 35 plays 0  

Factors associated with telemedicine use in children with developmental disabilities | Jasminder Kaur | CHRD | March 2021

Jasminder Kaur (supervised by Julie Frei & Kassia Johnson) delivers her award-winning presentation in the category of work completed by a clinical fellow: Factors associated with telemedicine…

From  Cheryl Crocker 36 plays 0  

2021 McMaster CHRD Awards Presentation & New Investigator Spotlight - Dr. Joyce Obeid - Movement as medicine: From stories to studies

Dr. Joyce Obeid joined the Department of Pediatrics as an Assistant Professor with the Child Health & Exercise Medicine Program in 2017. Her research program focuses on exploring the power of…

From  GIULIA SPADAFORA 96 plays 0  

Decontamination interventions for the reuse of surgical mask personal protective equipment: A systematic review | David Zorko | CHRD | March, 2021

David Zorko (supervised by Karen Choong & Dayre McNally) delivers his CHRD award-winning presentation in the category of work completed by a resident: Decontamination interventions for the reuse…

From  Cheryl Crocker 36 plays 0  

The effect of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) & cannabidiol (CBD) on mammary gland development & function | Chitman Joasan | CHRD | March 2021

Chitman Josan (supervised by Sandy Raha) presents her CHRD award-winning presentation in the category of work-in-progress by a graduate or post-graduate learner: The effect of…

From  Cheryl Crocker 54 plays 0