Search for tag: "strength"
Appreciative Inquiry in Medical Education | Dr. Jo Humphreys | March 21, 2024Objectives: Review Appreciative Inquiry methodology and the 4D design Understand the different uses for Appreciative Inquiry in medical education Discuss the benefits of…
From Cassandra Russ
1 plays
Skeletal Muscle Health in Type 1 Diabetes: Implications of Sex and Age on Outcomes | Dr. Thomas Hawke | November 10, 2022Dr. Thomas Hawke currently serves as the graduate director for Metabolism and Nutrition within the Medical Sciences Graduate Program McMaster and as the Associate Editor for the American Journal of…
From Johna Autencio
15 plays
Week12_Image_reconstrunction_MRIThis lecture is part of MedPhys 4D03 lecture series for the Fall 2020 semester. It introduces the mathematics of image reconstruction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
From Janos Juhasz
15 plays