Search for tag: "teachers"
ELLs in the Classroom: Best Practices for Teaching and LearningMacPherson Institute and MELD/MODEL have partnered to offer a series of 3 workshops intended to increase understanding of who English language learners (ELLs) are on campus, ensure educators are…
From Alanna Carter
10 plays
Fostering Collaboration Within and Across Departments | Tapas Mondal | Jan. 13, 2022Dr. Tapas Mondal and co-presenters from McMaster's Department of Pediatrics discuss the benefits and challenges of collaboration and communication across university faculties; the importance of…
From Cheryl Crocker
32 plays
Teaching on the Fly | Faculty Development | Hannah Geddie | Nov 9, 2021McMaster Pediatrics' Dr. Hannah Geddie shares teaching advice from the perspective of and for new faculty members. Geddie addresses the benefits of teaching on the fly with tips for success…
From Cheryl Crocker
33 plays
Kids, COVID & Schools?! | September 23, 2021Core Session Speakers: Dr. Martha Fulford & Dr. Jenna Ashkanase Topic: Kids, COVID & Schools?! Summary: "A Q&A on COVID, Kids and What we know about Transmission inSchools".
From Tiffany Anderson
126 plays
Three Tips for Narrative Feedback | Faculty Development | Naveen Sidhu | September 2021Dr. Naveen Sidhu, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at McMaster University and pediatric critical care doctor at McMaster Children's Hospital, presents three tips for delivering narrative…
From Cheryl Crocker
24 plays
School ReEntry During Covid-19 (Sep 3 2020) McMaster Pediatrics Grand RoundsMcMaster University and McMaster Children's Hospital infectious disease doctors, Martha Fulford and Sarah Khan, review the school re-entry landscape in September 2020, during the Covid-19…
From Cheryl Crocker
5 plays