Search for tag: "vaccine"
What in the #@$*! is happening with respiratory infections? | Dr. Jeffrey Pernica | March 21, 2024Dr. Jeffrey Pernica is an Associate Professor for the Department of Pediatrics at McMaster University, and the director of the special immunization clinic in McMaster Children's Hospital. His…
From Johna Autencio
67 plays
Cardiac and Rheumatic Complications of Covid-19 | Michelle Batthish & Claudia Lace de Almedia | Nov. 11, 2021McMaster Pediatrics faculty, Drs. Michelle Bathish and Claudia Lace de A/meida, review cardiac and rheumatic complications of COVID-19. Specifically: - review cardiac complications of acute COVID-19…
From Cheryl Crocker
65 plays
Kids, COVID & Schools?! | September 23, 2021Core Session Speakers: Dr. Martha Fulford & Dr. Jenna Ashkanase Topic: Kids, COVID & Schools?! Summary: "A Q&A on COVID, Kids and What we know about Transmission inSchools".
From Tiffany Anderson
126 plays
Prioritizing the emotional & physical safety of clients: Application of trauma-and violence-informed care principles in COVID-19 vaccination clinicsSummary: Individuals with a history of trauma (including experiences of structural violence within the health care system) or populations who have experienced collective trauma may experience…
From Nina Ann Cavey
49 plays
Mentorship in Medicine & Covid-19 Immunization Mandatory for all Healthcare Workers in Ontario July 8 2021Faculty Development Speaker: Dr. Connie Williams | Mentorship in Medicine: Myths Deconstructed & Relationships Reconstructed. Dr. Connie Williams completed a Perinatal-Neonatal Medicine…
From Tiffany Anderson
85 plays
Book Your COVID-19 Vaccine Today!For yourself and your community, book your vaccines today! #StaySafeMac Visit to learn about COVID-19 vaccine concerns and myths.
From Nicole Kim
25 plays