Search for tag: "scientists"

Group 07 - Project 1 - 2Q03 - F2022-1.m4v

From  ANTHONY CHIBBA 34 plays 0  

Module 1 - Video 1.1


From  se_vls 91 plays 0  

Schroeder Gift

McMaster University alumnus Walter Schroeder and his family have given $10 million to the university to fast-track treatments and prevention research on the search to cure allergies.

From  fhsweb 38 plays 0  

RTL - Keynote Panel - 20191210

From  Stephen Sears 0 plays 0  

The Future of Machine Learning is Qualitative with Dr. Laura K. Nelson – Spark Talk

In this talk, Dr. Nelson will discuss the alignment between machine learning and qualitative methods. Dr. Nelson will illustrate this alignment by using machine learning, specifically word…

From  Allison Van 11 plays 0  

Computational Social Science Toolkit: An Introduction with Michelle Dion – Open House Fall 2021

Spark has organized the vast and ever changing world of social research methods into seven toolkits. In this Open House series, the Academic Director and Executive Director of Spark introduce…

From  Allison Van 7 plays 0  

Building a Digital Space for Qualitative Research Collaboration with Dr. Kim Fortun

In this talk, Dr. Kim Fortun will walk participants through the Platform for Experimental, Collaborative Ethnography (PECE, pronounced “peace”), an open-source, freely accessible digital…

From  Allison Van 18 plays 0  

Truth and Consequences: How Scientists think about Error and Fraud in Research with Dr. Justin Esarey

To err is human, but to issue a meaningful correction or retraction is relatively rare in scientific publishing. In this joint project with Daniel Bischof and Michelle Dion, we ask: why? This…

From  Allison Van 18 plays 0