Search for tag: "attention"
Zen and the Art of Co-Creating A More Mindful Pediatric Hospital | Dr. Dzung X. Vo | March 2, 2023Dr. Dzung X. Vo, MD, (pronouns: he/him; how to pronounce) is a Clinical Associate Professor and Division Head for the Division of Adolescent Health and Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, BC…
From Johna Autencio
37 plays
A Text-As-Data Approach for Using Open-Ended Responses as Manipulation Checks with Dr. Jeff ZieglerParticipants that complete online surveys and experiments may be inattentive, which can hinder researchers’ ability to draw substantive or causal inferences. Closed-ended manipulation…
From Allison Van
16 plays
Knowledge Mobilization Toolkit: An Introduction with Allison Van – Open House Fall 2021Spark has organized the vast and ever-changing world of social research methods into seven methodology toolkits. In this Open House series, the Academic Director and Executive Director of Spark…
From Allison Van
24 plays
Session 2: Design Principles for Data Visualization with Juan VelascoHosted by Juan Velasco, a visual journalist with a long career focused on visualizing complex research and scientific information, this session will help participants understand why design is an…
From Allison Van
35 plays
Session 1: Mental Models, Trust, and the Translation of Science with Dr. Brian SouthwellIn this first of a two part workshop, Dr. Brian Southwell explores the latest understanding of how social and political opinions are formed and re-formed, and the implications for how researchers…
From Allison Van
31 plays
Research Retold Video 1: 5 reasons for communicating research beyond academiaRETURN TO Register for Part 1 of the series: Registration ends 11 November 2020
From Allison Van
176 plays