Search for tag: "bar"

How to Create a Research Poster | Elizabeth Gunn | February 15, 2024

Elizabeth Gunn, MSc, Senior Research Advisor, Department of Pediatrics, led the "How to Create a Research Poster" workshop on February 15, 2024, where learners delved into the art of…

From  Johna Autencio 124 plays 0  


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From  Jake Rice 1 plays 0  

Practice: Complement versus Adjunct

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From  Jake Rice 39 plays 0  

Giving Students Special Access for Avenue to Learn Quizzes

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From  Gum-Ryeong Park 33 plays 0  

Logi Rally Bar Setup and Use (video conferencing bar)

The Logi Rally Bar is a video conferencing system with camera, speaker and microphone all in one device that is available when using the room PC for a video call in select Faculty of Social Sciences…

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From  Samantha Price 52 plays 0  

Complements versus Adjuncts

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From  Jake Rice 69 plays 0  


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From  Jake Rice 85 plays 0  


Wigner-Eckart theorem. Note: I previously thought I had lost the recording for PHYSICS739_AngularMomentum6, but I think I found it (it is on macvideo)

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From  DUNCAN O'DELL 8 plays 0  


Started studying the addition of angular momentum using the lowering operator method. Introduced direct sums and direct products of Hilbert spaces for the coupled and uncoupled bases, respectively.

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From  DUNCAN O'DELL 5 plays 0  


Finished slides on "What is a spin?"

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From  DUNCAN O'DELL 2 plays 0  


Generalized our treatment of first order transitions to include a slow switch on of the perturbation.

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From  DUNCAN O'DELL 2 plays 0  


First class on the WKB approximation

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From  DUNCAN O'DELL 3 plays 0  


1) Discussed the Heisenberg equation of motion applied to the simple harmonic oscillator 2) Discussed coherent states

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From  DUNCAN O'DELL 3 plays 0  

13_ECE716_Week11_Manufacturing of SRM_13

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From  BERKER BILGIN 23 plays 0  

02_ECE716_Electromagnetic Principles of SRM_01

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From  BERKER BILGIN 96 plays 0  

eCampus Inventor Assemblies

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From  Michael Taylor 5 plays 0  

eCampus Ratios

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From  Adam Taylor 6 plays 0  

05_Fundamentals of Electromagnetics_Part 5

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From  BERKER BILGIN 113 plays 0  

05_Fundamentals of Electromagnetics_Part 1

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From  BERKER BILGIN 11 plays 0  

28_Klein-Gordon Field and Lagrangians

Physics 4Q03 Lecture 28: This lecture applies the framework of relativistic quantum fields to the simplest case of a spinless particle and constructs the Klein Gordon hamiltonian and some of its…

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From  Clifford Burgess 99 plays 0  

26-Poincare Generators

Physics 4Q03 Lecture 26: This lecture works through how Poincare generators (4-momentum and the angular momentum tensor) transform in quantum relativity. A sketch is given of the argument for the…

From  Clifford Burgess 74 plays 0  

COMPSCI 3FP3 Mar 15 Lecture

live coding

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From  JACQUES CARETTE 7 plays 0  

Introduction to Nikon Eclipse Ci-Pol Microscope, thin sections and Nikon NIS-Elements D software

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From  Alexander Peace 65 plays 0  

Destination Francophonie - Destination Pays-Bas

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From  Fanny Mace 85 plays 0