Search for tag: "concerns"

Client Meeting

'CPT' Kate meets with client, Alyssa, to make a fitness goal for the next week!

From  Kate Dunsmore 4 plays 0  

Privacy and "The Biggest Lie on the Internet" with Dr. Jonathan Obar

This talk will introduce audience members to the "the biggest lie on the internet" (known as "I agree to the terms and conditions"). Online consent is fundamental to privacy law…

From  Allison Van 5 plays 0  

2021 Primer Module 6 w VO.mp4

From  Trudi Wright 60 plays 0  

01_ECE716_Electric Motor Industry and SRM_08

From  BERKER BILGIN 62 plays 0  

Website Tour ecospeers

From  Emma Pasian 1 plays 0  

The Patient Experience - More Than just Patient Complaints | July 15, 2021

Christopher Sulowski has been a Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician at McMaster Children’s Hospital since 2011. He became Deputy Chief of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at McMaster in 2014 and…

From  Tiffany Anderson 146 plays 0  

Processes of Accessibility

From  Paula Hearn 148 plays 0  

Sept 2 The OT Advisory Committee on Anti-Racism, Anti-Bias and Anti-Oppression

From  Lynnden Kelly 7 plays 0  

07 Accessible Word Documents - Check Accessibility

From  Tony Hoang 76 plays 0  

Technology Education for Women Transitioning From Incarceration with Dr. Hyunjin Seo - Productivity during Pandemic

Dr. Hyunjin Seo leads technology education and information literacy workshops to marginalized groups including formerly incarcerated women now seeking to enter the workforce. She will be talking…

From  Allison Van 7 plays 0  

10 Check Accessibility - Accessible PowerPoint.mp4

From  Tony Hoang 39 plays 0  

02 Word to PDF on Windows.mp4

From  Tony Hoang 26 plays 0  

01 Word to PDF on Mac.mp4

From  Tony Hoang 27 plays 0  

07 Check Accessibility - Accessible Excel.mp4

From  Tony Hoang 15 plays 0  

05 Gmail- Accessible Email Signature.mp4

From  Tony Hoang 23 plays 0  

04 Outlook 2016 - Accessible Email Signature.mp4

From  Tony Hoang 41 plays 0  

01 Signature Setup - Accessible Email Signature.mp4

From  Tony Hoang 100 plays 0