Search for tag: "contrast"
ARiEAL Speaker Series - Investigations into word order and information structure in the Russian of heritage speakers and second language learners (by Dr. Tania Ionin, December 3, 2021)Dr. Tania Ionin is Professor of Linguistics and Director of Graduate Studies in Linguistics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where she has been employed since 2007. She received a…
From Chia-Yu Lin
9 plays
ARiEAL Speaker Series - Attunement to native speech in year 1 provides grounding for recognition of familiar words across unfamiliar regional accents in year 2 (by Dr. Catherine Best, February 7, 2022)Professor Catherine (Cathi) Best is the Chair in Psycholinguistic Research at the MARCS Institute of Brain, Behaviour and Development at Western Sydney University, Australia. Her research focuses on…
From Chia-Yu Lin
8 plays
BrightDICphaseImaging module for DIC and phase contrast on the Nikon Eclipse. About 12 minutes in total
From Ray Truant
16 plays
Review of Fall SessionThis is the first part of the Monday lecture, where selected topics from the Fall session are reviewed. It consists of multiple choice questions and discussion around the solutions.
From Janos Juhasz
69 plays