Search for tag: "experiment"

lab meeting with M7000 notes

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From  Ray Truant 8 plays 0  

introduction video (tell me about yourself)

From  Shelir Ebrahimi 16 plays 0  

Improving the Measurement of Sensitive Survey Questions with Double List Experiments with Gustavo Diaz

Social scientists use various techniques to elicit honest answers to sensitive questions in surveys. The list experiment is a popular option that reduces sensitivity biases but sacrifices statistical…

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From  Allison Van 26 plays 0  

March 25, 2022 - Berengere Dubrulle

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From  MATHEUS GRASSELLI 2 plays 0  

Saving Lives with Better Sound with Dr. Michael Schutz – Spark Talks

Shockingly, an FDA assessment found that medical device sound issues are linked to hundreds of fatalities each year. Despite the fact that the technology in these life-saving gadgets has grown at an…

+20 More
From  Allison Van 13 plays 0  

Climbing Film Evaporator: Lab Walkthrough - W1

CHEMENG 3L02 - Intermediate Laboratory Skills Lab: Climbing Film Evaporator Week: 1 Topic: Lab walkthrough

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From  Kushal Panchal 81 plays 0  

Avenue Support and Resources

This video will cover how to access assistance and support with Avenue to Learn at McMaster. Specifically, users will learn how to submit a support ticket with the Avenue Support Team.

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From  learncat 477 plays 0  

Video Lecture_Lab B1-Bone Implant Lecture Pt 1

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From  JOHN COLENBRANDER 3 plays 0  

Lawrence,_Karen ACBSP virtual conference 2020 pre-recorded.mp4

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From  KAREN LAWRENCE 3 plays 0  

Tokai Stage Incubator

10 minute video on how to setup the Tokai HIT stage incubator.

From  Ray Truant 23 plays 0  

Apr 13 wrapup

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From  JACQUES CARETTE 7 plays 0  


Considered loopholes to Bell's inequality measurements and also the analogue of Bell's inequality for the GHZ state (finished QI14_Bells_Inequality)

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From  DUNCAN O'DELL 4 plays 0  


Finished going through QI12_Local_Measurements (partial traces etc) and also went through the EPR paradox (QI13_EPR)

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From  DUNCAN O'DELL 5 plays 0  

Loves me or not

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From  Linda Davis 10 plays 0  


Continued going through slides QI6_Spins_and_photons. Introduced Dirac notation.

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From  DUNCAN O'DELL 23 plays 0  


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From  DAVID FEINBERG 7 plays 0  

Lab SG: Pre-Lab Video


Lab PB: Pre-Lab Video


Lab F11: Pre-Lab Video


Mixing Column: Lab Walkthrough - W1

CHEMENG 3L02 - Intermediate Laboratory Skills Lab: Mixing Column Week: 1 Topic: Lab Walkthrough

+19 More
From  Kushal Panchal 96 plays 0  

Norm Emergence and Change in a Collective-Risk Social Dilemma with Dr. Giulia Andrighetto – Productivity During Pandemic

From climate change to ecosystem and habitat destruction to the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19, many contemporary societal challenges are exacerbated by collective action problems. In…

From  Allison Van 8 plays 0  

Lab P8: Pre-Lab Presentation

From  JOHN COLENBRANDER 1,134 plays 0  

Lab P5: Pre-Lab Presentation

From  JOHN COLENBRANDER 725 plays 0  

Lab F18: Pre-Lab Presentation

From  JOHN COLENBRANDER 642 plays 0