Finished studying the quantum repeater (QI17_Quantum_Repeater)
Set out the basic ideas of a quantum repeater (QI17_Quantum_Repeater)
Started and finished quantum teleportation and entanglement swapping (QI16_Teleportation) and started the next set of slides (QI17_Quantum_Repeater)
Considered loopholes to Bell's inequality measurements and also the analogue of Bell's inequality for the GHZ state (finished QI14_Bells_Inequality)
Finished going through QI12_Local_Measurements (partial traces etc) and also went through the EPR paradox (QI13_EPR)
Physics 4Q03 Tutorial Feb 22, 2021
Finished slides QI6_Spins_and_Photons, started slides on Operators
Continued going through slides QI6_Spins_and_photons. Introduced Dirac notation.
Went through the first slides in QI6_Spins_and_photons
This is the QFT tutorial for Jan 20, 2021
Physics 4Q03 Lecture 09: This lecture introduces coherent states, and derives them as the eigenstates to which a bosonic system is often driven in the presence of persistent stimulated emission. The…
Physics 4Q03 Lecture 04: This lecture extends the notions of creation and annihilation operators to fermions, and derives the anticommutation algebra that these satisfy. The lecture also sketches out…
This lecture is part of MedPhys 4D03 lecture series for the Fall 2020 semester. This
lecture introduces the technology used in Nuclear Medicine Imaging and
describes emission reconstruction in the…
This lecture is part of MedPhys 4D03 lecture series for the Fall 2020 semester. This
lecture describes the technology of computed tomography (CT) and presents the
mathematics behind image…
This lecture is part of MedPhys 4D03 lecture series for the Fall 2020 semester. This lecture provides a brief
introduction to the atomic structures. Discusses the importance of ionizing
This is the first part of the Monday lecture, where selected topics from the Fall session are reviewed. It consists of multiple choice questions and discussion around the solutions.