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LiaM - TopHat - Creating QuestionsLearn in a Minute by Nidia Cerna - Educational Developer at DeGroote's Teaching and Learning Services.
From Nidia Cerna
15 plays
15-BogliubovPhysics 4Q03 Lecture 15: This lecture describes the leading corrections to the classical BEC, using a Bogoliubov transformation to identify the spectrum of quasiparticle fluctuations about the…
From Clifford Burgess
67 plays
14-Semiclassical BECPhysics 4Q03 Lecture 14: This lecture continues the discussion of Bose Einstein condensation and shows how a semiclassical analysis can allow a calculation of the optimal density of condensed…
From Clifford Burgess
48 plays
10-FieldEnergyRenorm4Q03 Lecture 10: This lecture computes the energy shift of a particle due to its interaction with another, introducing ultraviolet divergences and the concept of renormalization along the way. The…
From Clifford Burgess
78 plays