24:59duration 24 minutes 59 seconds
Emerging Adolescence in Bioarchaeology: Current…
Emerging Adolescence in Bioarchaeology: Current Status and Potential Developments, by Professor Mary Lewis
29:28duration 29 minutes 28 seconds
Pubertal Timing as a Measure of Health and a…
Pubertal Timing as a Measure of Health and a Bridge Between Past and Present, by Sharon DeWitte
17:43duration 17 minutes 43 seconds
Adolescent Life in the 18th and 19th century…
Adolescent Life in the 18th and 19th century Netherlands, by Dr. Andrea Waters-Rist
13:42duration 13 minutes 42 seconds
Which comes first An investigation of pelvic vs.…
Which comes first An investigation of pelvic vs. body breadth growth velocity in adolescent girls from the United Kingdom, Dr. Sarah-Louise Decrausaz