Discussion Topic: Towards Human-Centered Design of Machine Learning Systems for Better Healthcare
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Objective: To critically appraise a journal article about diagnostic accuracyArticle: Mamede S, van Gog T, van den Berge K, et al. Effect of Availability Bias and Reflective Reasoning on Diagnostic…
Dr. Jordan Edwards is a CIHR-funded postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, supervised by Dr. Kathy Georgiades. Jordan received his Ph.D. from the…
Part 2 of Introduction to Kaltura Capture. In this video we will also explore how to create a video quiz from your recording.
Starting graduate school? No matter what program or school you're in, this video will help you orient yourself to this big change. Allison Van will talk about how grad school is different from…
Clinical Practice ShowcaseFriday, April 1, 2022 - 1240h Katelyn Fisher, Lauren Columbus, Meagan FurnivallDepartment of Midwifery Leadership Team, London Health Sciences Centre Framework for a…
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In this talk, Carolyn will explore the ethical considerations of
contact-based research and ask how the identities of researchers and
research participants shapes the ethics of research in…
How can we comparatively assess the
“successfulness” of mass protests? I develop an expanded typology of protest
outcomes to score protest campaigns on their effectiveness in…
Finished L4IdenticalParticles and started L5IdenticalParticlesExchangeInteraction
Drs. Jennifer Twiss and Mike Marrin from the Department of Pediatrics at McMaster University reflect on Mortality and Morbidity (M&M) Meetings. This discussion reviews: the history of M&M…
An introductory talk discussing the ways in which classification is an
infrastructure and technology of power. Considering the fundamental
role of classification in AI, the presenters will…