Search for tag: "summary"

Understanding Job Descriptions

Job descriptions contain a lot of valuable information. Not only do they articulate the duties and responsibilities of a given position, but they also outline the desired qualifications that the…

From  Sarah Whitwell 3 plays 0  

3P04_M7-Demo_Team09 ACL

From  QIYIN FANG 12 plays 0  

Biomimicry, Section 5-1

From  se_vls 14 plays 0  


From  BERKER BILGIN 51 plays 0  

Access and Submit Quiz

From  ALEKSANDRA GAJIC 1,046 plays 0  

Information transfer in the NICU - where are we? Strategies to improve communication and their results | July 9, 2020

Dr. Patricia Lofiego & Dr. Hamdi Najjar, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellows at McMaster University will review 2 different quality improvement initiatives developed at McMaster Children’s…

From  Giulia Spadafora 30 plays 0  

Research Retold Video 1: 5 reasons for communicating research beyond academia

RETURN TO Register for Part 1 of the series: Registration ends 11 November 2020

From  Allison Van 175 plays 1  

Resume Formatting Review

In this video, Matthew goes through some quick "dos and donts" of resume formatting.

From  Matthew Belan 288 plays 0  

Gradebook - Associating with Assignments

From  Roshan Bashar 14 plays 0  

Track Class and Individual Student Progress

From  ALEKSANDRA GAJIC 46 plays 0  

Avenue to Learn (A2L) Quiz Question Conversion Utility

From  GERALD BIERLING 106 plays 0  

018 Data and Plots

From  Mu He 282 plays 0