Search for tag: "values"
Bridging the Gap: Authentic Anti-Racist Leadership | Dr. Rachelle Rogers-Ard | June 6, 2024Dr. Rachelle Rogers-Ard is a published author, adjunct professor, organizational development specialist, and former school district educator with over 28 years of experience preparing adults to lead…
From Johna Autencio
23 plays
The weight of your words… when your next consult is a fetus | Dr. Brandon Meaney & Dr. Connie Williams | May 9, 2024Dr. Brandon Meaney (Division of Neurology) and Dr. Connie Williams (Division of Neonatology) are Associated Professors in the Department of Pediatrics at McMaster, with a shared interest in…
From Johna Autencio
45 plays
How weird is WEIRD literacy and numeracy?Presented by Heather Wild at the Words in the World International Conference, Oct 16-18, 2020
From Nadia Lana
605 plays
Handling Missing Data in Social Science Studies with Rod LittleI review methods for handling missing data in empirical studies in the social sciences. I define missing data, and provide a taxonomy of main approaches to analysis, including complete-case and…
From Allison Van
6 plays
PHYSICS739_AngularMomentum4Started studying the addition of angular momentum using the lowering operator method. Introduced direct sums and direct products of Hilbert spaces for the coupled and uncoupled bases, respectively.
5 plays
Practicing Moral Resilience Part 4: Deepening Integrity | Dr. Connie Williams | November 24, 2022Dr. Connie Williams is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics in the division of Neonatology. Her academic interests include interprofessional education, bioethics, and health policy.
From Johna Autencio
3 plays
“Goals of care in the PICU: A smooth two-way street or a multitude of bumpy paths?”| Dr. Ronish Gupta, Dr. Dave Lysecki & Dr. Eiman Al-Hashemi | June 23, 2022Dr. Ronish Gupta is a Pediatric Intensivist and the medical director of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at McMaster Children’s Hospital. He a special interest in interprofessional and…
From Cassandra Russ
64 plays
Interventions in children with profound disability: Navigating family interests and professional values | Dr. Benjamin Wilfond | June 23, 2022Objectives: 1. To understand the history of social attitudes toward children with disabilities in need of medical technologies and the impact of those attitudes on the family experience 2. To…
From Danielle DiFrancesco
16 plays
"What Peter is doing for your admissions procedures" | Dr. Quang Ngo | May 19, 2022Dr. Quang Ngo is an Associate Professor and Clinician Educator in the Department of Pediatrics at McMaster University and a practicing Pediatric Emergency Medicine physician at McMaster…
From Cassandra Russ
16 plays
Navigating Moral Residue in Pediatrics | Dr. Connie Williams | April 21, 2022Dr. Connie Williams is a Neonatologist and Associate Professor in the Division of Neonatology. Her academic interests include bioethics, health policy, and interprofessional education. In this…
From Cassandra Russ
41 plays
"Do seizures hurt the brain or does the hurt brain seize? Infantile Spasms: a Developmental and or Epileptic Encephalopathy | Dr. Kevin Jones, Dr. Stephanie Lavoie, & Dr. Nevena Simic | April 14, 2022Dr. Kevin Jones is a pediatric neurologist and epileptologist in the Comprehensive Pediatric Epilepsy Program at McMaster Children’s Hospital. He is also an Associate Professor in…
From Cassandra Russ
50 plays
Neutral or nudging in the face of uncertainty | Dr. Connie Williams | April 14, 2022Dr. Connie Williams is a Neonatologist and Associate Professor in the Division of Neonatology. Her academic interests include bioethics, health policy, and interprofessional education. In this…
From Cassandra Russ
40 plays