Search for tag: "balance"
Neutral or nudging in the face of uncertainty | Dr. Connie Williams | April 14, 2022Dr. Connie Williams is a Neonatologist and Associate Professor in the Division of Neonatology. Her academic interests include bioethics, health policy, and interprofessional education. In this…
From Cassandra Russ
40 plays
Mindfulness: Do It For The Kids! | Dr. Joanna Humphreys | March 10, 2022Dr. Joanna Humphreys is a pediatric palliative care physician with the Quality of Life and Advanced Care Team at McMaster Children’s Hospital. She completed her pediatric residency, community…
From Cassandra Russ
88 plays
Physician Wellness at Different Stages: What does it look like in a time of crisis? | Faculty Development | Emma Wyatt | Jan. 13, 2022Dr. Emma Wyatt from McMaster University's Department of Pediatrics reviews data reflecting rates of burnout and distress amongst medical trainees and doctors, and shares Ontario Medical…
From Cheryl Crocker
42 plays
Top 5 Tips for Planning Your Course LoadThis video gives tips for planning term course loads to Social Sciences students at McMaster University. Students interested in more details may want to view the more in-depth Extended Version of…
From Mark Busser
733 plays