Search for tag: "economy"

Module 12 - Implementing Change

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From  Denise Higginson 2 plays 0  

Cartographies of Social Reproduction and Global Development as a Social Factor

Jack and Kay Graham Lecture Series 2024 Dr. Alessandra Mezzadri presets Cartographies of Social Reproduction and Global Development as a Social Factor Dr. Mezzadri is a feminist political economist…

From  Megan Stokes 3 plays 0  

Module 11 - Introduction

+19 More
From  cemacvid 9 plays 0  

Module 1 - Introduction

+19 More
From  cemacvid 22 plays 0  

Module 9 - Introduction

+19 More
From  cemacvid 7 plays 0  

Module 7 - Questions

+19 More
From  cemacvid 15 plays 0  

Module 6 - Introduction

+19 More
From  cemacvid 11 plays 0  

Building a Digital Space for Qualitative Research Collaboration with Dr. Kim Fortun

In this talk, Dr. Kim Fortun will walk participants through the Platform for Experimental, Collaborative Ethnography (PECE, pronounced “peace”), an open-source, freely accessible digital…

+37 More
From  Allison Van 18 plays 0  

Seminar Series - September 23, 2022

+19 More
From  Emma Beamson 12 plays 0  

Regional Geography of the United States Final Project Alia Dieleman

+19 More
From  Alia Dieleman 6 plays 0  

The Future of Machine Learning is Qualitative with Dr. Laura K. Nelson – Spark Talk

In this talk, Dr. Nelson will discuss the alignment between machine learning and qualitative methods. Dr. Nelson will illustrate this alignment by using machine learning, specifically word…

+20 More
From  Allison Van 12 plays 0  

Debt (Part 4)

+19 More
From  Anwar Husain 4 plays 0  

monetary fiscal polling question answers

+23 More
From  ALEKSANDRA GAJIC 146 plays 0  

14 net exports equal net foreign investment

+19 More
From  ALEKSANDRA GAJIC 582 plays 0  

spending and tax multipliers

+19 More
From  ALEKSANDRA GAJIC 4,456 plays 0  

money market diagram shocks and policy

From  ALEKSANDRA GAJIC 5,612 plays 0  

money market and ad as

+19 More
From  ALEKSANDRA GAJIC 5,054 plays 0  

11 money market diagram shocks and policy

From  ALEKSANDRA GAJIC 2 plays 0  

10 using the quantity theory of money to make predictions

From  ALEKSANDRA GAJIC 5,548 plays 0  

9 chapter 9 overview

+19 More
From  ALEKSANDRA GAJIC 1,775 plays 0  

9 2 using ad as to analyze shocks

+19 More
From  ALEKSANDRA GAJIC 5,505 plays 0  

9 3 what if we are away from lr equilibrium

+19 More
From  ALEKSANDRA GAJIC 5,181 plays 0  

9 4 dynamic ad as model

From  ALEKSANDRA GAJIC 4,866 plays 0  

8 using ae to shift ad

From  ALEKSANDRA GAJIC 6,345 plays 0