Search for tag: "formula"
Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy: From Diagnosis to Management – Perspectives from a Gastroenterologist and an Allergist | Dr. Nikhil Pai & Dr. Doug Mack | June 8, 2023Dr. Nikhil Pai is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics through the Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. He is the medical lead of the Complex Pediatric Nutrition Clinic and Pediatric…
From Johna Autencio
35 plays
Coming to Consensus: Infant Feeding in HIV in Canada | Dr. Sarah Khan | May 4, 2023Dr. Sarah Khan received her medical doctorate from the University of Ottawa and came to McMaster for her pediatric residency training, followed by Infectious Disease Fellowship at the Hospital for…
From Johna Autencio
24 plays
Food Allergies: A Spectrum of Disease | October 7, 2021Dr. Marian Hannah Hannah discusses Infant and pediatric presentation of allergy and addresses the following objectives 1) Understanding the difference between IgE and Non-IgE mediated food allergies;…
From Cheryl Crocker
48 plays
PHYS-4F03-class24Used first order time-dependent perturbation to study the interaction between atoms and incoherent light (L17T_dep_PT_part3)
4 plays