Search for tag: "power"

Position, Velocity, & Acceleration-Time Graphs

From  Lauren Fticar 0 plays 0  

OCE Library Mobile Conferencing Display

From  NICK MARQUIS 8 plays 0  

OCE Conference Room Basement

From  NICK MARQUIS 5 plays 0  

Module 5 - Questions

From  cemacvid 8 plays 0  

Lecture on Psychological Resilience

From  JAMES GILLETT 40 plays 0  

KTH 308

From  NICK MARQUIS 18 plays 0  

Bridging the Gap: Anti-Racism and Anti-Ableism: Accessibility and Anti-Racist Informed Allyship in Healthcare Continuums | Renata Hall | September 28, 2023

Renata Hall is the Manager of Inclusion and Anti-Racism Education within the Equity and Inclusion Office at McMaster and she is also a PhD Student within Social Sciences. Renata educates from her…

From  Johna Autencio 32 plays 0  

Module 6, single and dual rate methods, open, 2023.mp4

From  cemacvid 55 plays 0  

FSS Seminar Display

The use and features of the Dell Touch Displays in the FSS seminar rooms. This video applies to the following rooms:KTH B122 KTH 227A KTH 306A KTH 334 KTH 709 KTH 712 KTH 732 CNH 307 The video…

From  Samantha Price 94 plays 0  

Beyond DEI to Belonging | Dr. Mary Brandt | June 15, 2023

Dr. Mary Brandt is a Professor, Pediatric Surgery, at Tulane University School of Medicine in the Department of Surgery. Dr. Brandt is an internationally recognized Pediatric Surgeon, Clinical…

From  Johna Autencio 38 plays 0  

FSS Touch Display - Basic Instructions (PC and Laptop)

A basic overview of the touch-capable displays in seminar rooms across the Faculty of Social Sciences. This video applies to the following rooms:KTH B122 KTH 227A KTH 334 KTH 306A KTH 709 KTH 712 KTH…

From  NICK MARQUIS 38 plays 0  

Webinar #2 - Vicarious Trauma, Moral Injury and Self Care

In 2022/2023, the School of Social Work hosted a series of webinars aimed at bringing together our Field Instruction community for conversations about how to host social work students in their…

From  Jennie Vengris 14 plays 0  

Bridging the Gap: Providing Trauma-Informed and Culturally Safe Care for Indigenous Children and Families | Dr. Ryan Giroux | March 9, 2023

Dr. Ryan Giroux is a General Pediatrician working at St. Michael’s Hospital and the Inner City Health Associates in Toronto. He is Métis from the Métis Nation of Alberta as well…

From  Johna Autencio 153 plays 0  

Linguistic Challenges of Fieldwork for First-Generation Ethnic Researchers with Shirin Khayambashi

This presentation explores my challenges as I tried to navigate the qualitative fieldwork as a first-generation ethnic researcher. While exploring linguistically compatible communities, I encounter…

From  Allison Van 18 plays 0  

Building a Digital Space for Qualitative Research Collaboration with Dr. Kim Fortun

In this talk, Dr. Kim Fortun will walk participants through the Platform for Experimental, Collaborative Ethnography (PECE, pronounced “peace”), an open-source, freely accessible digital…

From  Allison Van 18 plays 0  

Inclusive by Design: Translating Data Feminism for Policy with Priya Kumar

Toolkit #7: Knowledge MobilizationThis session will walk-through methodologies, toolkits, and analytical approaches for understanding the importance of inclusive data and GBAPlus frameworks in…

From  Allison Van 40 plays 0  

13_ECE716_Week11_Manufacturing of SRM_14

From  BERKER BILGIN 22 plays 0  

13_ECE716_Week11_Manufacturing of SRM_13

From  BERKER BILGIN 22 plays 0  

13_ECE716_Week11_Manufacturing of SRM_2

From  BERKER BILGIN 33 plays 0  


From  BERKER BILGIN 26 plays 0  


From  BERKER BILGIN 70 plays 0  


From  BERKER BILGIN 48 plays 0  


From  BERKER BILGIN 40 plays 0  


From  BERKER BILGIN 46 plays 0