Search for tag: "hand"

June 26, 2024 Pediatric Rounds - Dr. Joel Hamstra

From  Mirna Yehia 2 plays 0  

Intro to Torque

From  Lauren Fticar 0 plays 0  

1st Law of Thermodynamics & Heat, Work

From  Lauren Fticar 0 plays 0  

Le Chatelier's Principle - Volume & Pressure

From  Lauren Fticar 0 plays 0  

Exercise Demo

CPT Kate demonstrates two exercises to her new client!

From  Kate Dunsmore 7 plays 0  

AI in Healthcare Rounds with Dr. Mark Cicero

In this session of AI in Healthcare Rounds, Dr. Mark Cicero, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of 16Bit, discusses The Story of Rho: From idea to regulatory approved opportunistic software medical device.

From  Clara Fama 4 plays 0  

The Growing Field of Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension | Dr. Sarah Pradhan | January 11, 2024

Dr. Sarah Pradhan received her MD degree at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and completed her Pediatrics Residency at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. She then completed…

From  Johna Autencio 72 plays 0  


I thought this lecture was lost but I found it!

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 5 plays 0  

A School-based Program for Students of Concern using a Circumstances View of Behaviour | Brian Mason | June 19, 2023

Brian Mason, Ph. D., is a manager of behavior analytic services with the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board.

From  Johna Autencio 22 plays 0  

Early Detection and Early Intervention for Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy: A Knowledge Implementation Project | Dr. Ronit Mesterman, Dr. Karen Thomas, Brenda Harper & Julia Lockhart | May 11, 2023

Dr. Ronit Mesterman is a pediatric neurologist and developmental pediatrician. She is the current division head of developmental pediatrics and medical director of Developmental Pediatrics and…

From  Johna Autencio 19 plays 0  

A tour of Reflex Seizures and Epilepsy, April 28 2023, Dr. Bilal Ahmadi

From  Robyn Whitney 22 plays 0  

APA Group Assignment - Blind Bowling

By: Sara Brandao, Joshua, Hassan, Sophia

From  Sara Brandao 16 plays 0  

Group 9 - Marc Nicolas Oliva, Majd Homsi

From  Marc Nicolas Oliva 8 plays 0  

How do you integrate accessible/inclusive teaching practices in your tutorial/lab?

From  Stephanie Verkoeyen 26 plays 0  


Finished going through the Green's function slides and started looking at path integrals.

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 2 plays 0  

SMART Board features for LRW 1025 and LRW 1013

This video goes over using the SMART Board features for the SMART Boards located in LRW 1025 and LRW 1013. This includes connecting the SMART Board to a computer and using it to annotate on…

From  Samantha Price 33 plays 0  


Introduced the propagator and began slides on Green's functions

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 2 plays 0  


Discussed how to obtain the WKB connection formulae using both the transitional approximation and the complex method. Also applied the WKB method to quantize wave functions in various potential wells.

From  DUNCAN O'DELL 0 plays 0  

Zoom Polls Library

This video goes over the Polls Library in Zoom and how to enable a poll or quiz to be available for all meetings.

From  Samantha Price 3 plays 0  

04_ECE716_Derivation of pole configuration in SRM_05

From  BERKER BILGIN 53 plays 0  

02_ECE716_Electromagnetic Principles of SRM_05

From  BERKER BILGIN 74 plays 0  

02_ECE716_Electromagnetic Principles of SRM_01

From  BERKER BILGIN 93 plays 0  

3P04_M7-Demo_Team07 Gait

From  QIYIN FANG 8 plays 0  

Echo360: Organizing Echo360 content inside Avenue to Learn

From  NICK MARQUIS 10 plays 0