Search for tag: "participants"

The Co-Wrap Study: Co-Creating Solutions to Enhance the Well-Being of residents and partners | Dr. Marina Boutros Salama | December 12, 2024

Objectives Identify connections between postgraduate medical training, intimate partner relationships, and mental health and well-being. Reflect on the ways in which the study's findings can…

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From  Johna Autencio 5 plays 0  

3MT Kate Dnsmore (KIN 4SS3)

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From  Kate Dunsmore 2 plays 0  

Diagnostic Accuracy in Postgraduate Medical Education | Dr. Elif Bilgic | May 16, 2024

Objective: To critically appraise a journal article about diagnostic accuracyArticle: Mamede S, van Gog T, van den Berge K, et al. Effect of Availability Bias and Reflective Reasoning on Diagnostic…

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From  Johna Autencio 2 plays 0  

KINESIOL 3Y03 Podcast- Nutrition Up Close

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From  Alyssa Jagger 8 plays 0  

How to Write an Abstract | Dr. Joyce Obeid & Dr. Karen Beattie | February 1, 2024

Dr. Joyce Obeid, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, and Dr. Karen Beattie, led the "How to Write an Abstract" workshop for the upcoming McMaster Child Health Research Day…

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From  Johna Autencio 60 plays 0  

Centering Positive Change in Research using Photovoice with Dr. Andrea Belgrade and Dr. Joy Agner

Research is too often a process done to participants, but what if participants were viewed as co-investigators at every step of the research process? We will highlight the ways social scientists can…

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From  Allison Van 4 plays 0  

An educational outreach for neonatal neurological assessment: the experience and way forward - Dr. Ipsita Goswami | October 26, 2023

Objectives: 1. To discuss research ideas of faculty/trainees related to peds education research 2. To create opportunities for research feedback and discuss future directions 3. To create…

From  Cassandra Russ 4 plays 0  

3MT Presentation (Parkinson's Disease)

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From  Madison Beck 4 plays 0  


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From  Iqbal Dhaliwal 18 plays 0  

Professor Hippo-On-Campus Introductory Infomercial | McMaster Okanagan Office of Health and Well-being

A brief introduction to Professor Hippo-On-Campus - a mental health initiative by the McMaster Okanagan Office of Health and Well-Being. Supported by the Office of the Provost.

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From  Muhammad Farooq 395 plays 0  

“Well Within Our Scope – Improving Feedback within Endoscopy Training” | Dr. Ruchika Sharma | June 15, 2023

Presenter: Dr. Ruchika Sharma – “Well Within Our Scope – Improving Feedback within Endoscopy Training”Objectives:To list the elements of effective feedback Describe the three…

From  Cassandra Russ 29 plays 0  

Research Creation as Responsive Design with Julia Brook & Colleen Reihan

In this talk, Dr. Collen Renihan and Dr. Julia Brook will discuss their SSHRC- and CFI-funded research project on accessible music theatre for older adults, which they transformed from a face-to-face…

From  Allison Van 12 plays 0  

Privacy and "The Biggest Lie on the Internet" with Dr. Jonathan Obar

This talk will introduce audience members to the "the biggest lie on the internet" (known as "I agree to the terms and conditions"). Online consent is fundamental to privacy law…

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From  Allison Van 7 plays 0  

Ageism in Tech: Using an online survey as a qualitative tool with Stephanie Hatzifilaithis

In this talk, Dr. Hatzifilalithis will give an overview of her postdoctoral research that focuses on how age-based stereotypes influence digital technologies. She will also give a walkthrough of how…

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From  Allison Van 26 plays 0  

Linguistic Challenges of Fieldwork for First-Generation Ethnic Researchers with Shirin Khayambashi

This presentation explores my challenges as I tried to navigate the qualitative fieldwork as a first-generation ethnic researcher. While exploring linguistically compatible communities, I encounter…

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From  Allison Van 20 plays 0  

01 peachey

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From  Taylor Torreon 6 plays 0  

Development and Evaluation of Point of Care Ultrasound Course for Midwives - MSH Rounds (msh-amu-rounds---pocus-5may2020-edited)

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From  fhsweb 3 plays 0  

Rapid Fire Rounds (mmrc-symposium---rapid-fire-rounds-with-ts-30oct2020)

Rapid Fire RoundsFriday, October 30, 2020 – 1200h

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From  fhsweb 2 plays 0  


Dr. Meredith Vanstone The Experiences, Beliefs, And Opinions Of Pregnant People And Their Partners Considering Cannabis During Pregnancy And LactationThursday, October 29, 2020 - 1200h

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From  fhsweb 7 plays 0  


Feben Aseffa, Director, Healthcare Equity, Quality and Human Rights, Association of Ontario Midwives Lwam Mehari, Association of Ontario Midwives Experiences Of Racism In Midwifery Wednesday, October…

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From  fhsweb 19 plays 0  

Applications of accelerometer-based wearable technology in research and clinical care | Dr. Joyce Obeid | May 12, 2022

Dr. Joyce Obeid is an Assistant Professor with the Child Health & Exercise Medicine Program. She completed her training in the Departments of Kinesiology and Pediatrics at McMaster. Since…

From  Cassandra Russ 10 plays 0  

"You're Nothing" - Researching the Labour Market Experiences of Undocumented Caribbean Careworkers with Carieta Thomas

With anti-immigrant sentiment on the rise, surveillance of immigrants has become common including in labour markets. Such surveillance is so normalized that it is not recognized as such,…

From  Allison Van 42 plays 0  

Meeting Owl: Best Practices

An overview of some tips, tricks, and best practices to make the most out of using the Meeting Owl Pro for teaching.

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From  NICK MARQUIS 125 plays 0  

Intersectionality - Applications for Student Leaders

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From  Paula Hearn 375 plays 0