Search for tag: "particles"
PHYS4F03_class6_2022Finished L4IdenticalParticles and started L5IdenticalParticlesExchangeInteraction
6 plays
MUCEC 2021 - Ryan LaRuePresenter: Ryan LaRue Supervisor(s): Dr. David Latulippe Project Description: The presence of anthropogenic plastic waste in aquatic environments is widespread and poses significant environmental,…
From Kushal Panchal
25 plays
MUCEC 2021 - Ahmad ArefiPresenter: Ahmad Arefi Supervisor(s): Dr. Michael Thompson Project Description: Solid-liquid dispersions consisting of polymer nanoparticles have several applications such as adhesives, coatings, and…
From Kushal Panchal
57 plays
28_Klein-Gordon Field and LagrangiansPhysics 4Q03 Lecture 28: This lecture applies the framework of relativistic quantum fields to the simplest case of a spinless particle and constructs the Klein Gordon hamiltonian and some of its…
From Clifford Burgess
99 plays
27-MicrocausalityPhysics 4Q03 Lecture 27: This lecture describes the logic that determines which fields can be used to represent particles of different spins, and describes the requirement of microcausality and why…
From Clifford Burgess
89 plays
PHYS4F03_class33Finished the Born approximation and started partial waves (L23ScatteringTheory3_Partial_Waves)
3 plays
PHYS4F03_class30Scattering theory: covered the basic setup of a scattering experiment, including the differential scattering cross-section, asymptotic wavefunction, and the scattering amplitude (L21ScatteringTheory1)
3 plays
22-CoulombInteractionPhysics 4Q03 Lecture 22: This lecture recaps the previous ones and completes the interactions of a nonrelativistic charged particle to include the Coulomb interaction.
From Clifford Burgess
49 plays
21-EM couplings to charged particlesPhysics 4Q03 Lecture 21: This lecture describes how the electromagnetic vector potential (ie photons) couple to nonrelativistic charged particles, constructing the interactions by `gauging' the…
From Clifford Burgess
41 plays
20-EM Interactions w Polarizable AtomsPhysics 4Q03 Lecture 20: This lecture describes how to construct interactions between electromagnetic fields and the Schrodinger fields that describe slowly moving particles. The interactions…
From Clifford Burgess
34 plays
18-MorePhotonsEMPhysics 4Q03 Lecture 18: This lecture continues the previous one on photons in electromagnetism, and provides a sermon about UV and IR divergences and why you can use any regularization you like to…
From Clifford Burgess
41 plays
15-BogliubovPhysics 4Q03 Lecture 15: This lecture describes the leading corrections to the classical BEC, using a Bogoliubov transformation to identify the spectrum of quasiparticle fluctuations about the…
From Clifford Burgess
67 plays
14-Semiclassical BECPhysics 4Q03 Lecture 14: This lecture continues the discussion of Bose Einstein condensation and shows how a semiclassical analysis can allow a calculation of the optimal density of condensed…
From Clifford Burgess
48 plays
12-PositionSpace InteractionsPhysics 4Q03 Lecture 12: This lecture summarizes the position space formalism of the previous lecture and introduces simple self-interactions.
From Clifford Burgess
67 plays
13-BE CondensationPhysics 4Q03 Lecture 13: This lecture reviews how to set up averages with statistical mechanics, translating the grand canonical ensemble into the language of occupation number. This is used to…
From Clifford Burgess
45 plays
11-Locality2ndQuantization4Q03 Lecture 11; This lecture argues why the Hamiltonian should arise as a local function in space, and this is used to motivate the definition of position-space fields. The local form for the…
From Clifford Burgess
66 plays
10-FieldEnergyRenorm4Q03 Lecture 10: This lecture computes the energy shift of a particle due to its interaction with another, introducing ultraviolet divergences and the concept of renormalization along the way. The…
From Clifford Burgess
78 plays