Search for tag: "radiation"
Inside Out – WHO’s afraid of a paradigm shift? | Dr. Adam Fleming | June 27, 2024Dr. Adam Fleming is an associate professor and program director of the Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Program for the Department of Pediatrics. He is also a proud alumni of McMaster…
From Johna Autencio
11 plays
Integration of Chemotherapy & Radiation in Palliative Care | Stacey Marjerrison | March 24, 2022Dr. Stacey Marjerrison speaks to the integration of chemotherapy and radiation treatments in pediatric palliative patients. The objectives of the presentation are: Consider how radiation and…
From Danielle DiFrancesco
19 plays
PHYS-4F03-class24Used first order time-dependent perturbation to study the interaction between atoms and incoherent light (L17T_dep_PT_part3)
4 plays
Week13_Image guidence in Radiation Therapy_16_9This lecture is part of MedPhys 4D03 lecture series for the Fall 2020 semester. It introduces students to the various technologies if Image Guided Radiation Therapy, such as Cone-beam CT, respiratory…
From Janos Juhasz
8 plays
Week7_Physics_of_X-ray_FINALThis lecture is part of MedPhys 4D03 lecture series for the Fall 2020 semester. This lecture provides a brief introduction to the atomic structures. Discusses the importance of ionizing radiation…
From Janos Juhasz
20 plays
Week1_Course_IntroThis is an introduction to MedPhys 4D03 and it contains information about course management and organization for the Fall 2020 semester.
From Janos Juhasz
43 plays
Review of Fall SessionThis is the first part of the Monday lecture, where selected topics from the Fall session are reviewed. It consists of multiple choice questions and discussion around the solutions.
From Janos Juhasz
70 plays