Search for tag: "exposure"
Navigating the blind spots of drug therapy in Neonates, 5-year experience of MCH Neonatal Clinical Pharmacology Working Group | Dr. Samira Samiee-Zafarghandy | January 4, 2024Dr. Samira Samiee-Zafarghandy is an Associate Professor for the Department of Pediatrics and neonatologist at McMaster Children's Hospital.In this week's first core session of 2024, Dr.…
From Johna Autencio
20 plays
Influence of in utero exposure to cannabis on the developmental programming of the gastrointestinal tract | Maria Sunil | CHRD | 2022McMaster University student, Maria Sunil (supervised by Drs. Sandeep Raha and Elyanne Ratcliffe) delivers her CHRD award-winning research presentation on, Influence of in utero exposure to cannabis…
From Cheryl Crocker
75 plays
Investigating the impact of maternal cannabis use during pregnancy and lactation on breast milk composition | Chitmandeep Josan | CHRD | 2022McMaster Pediatrics' PhD candidate, Chitmandeep Josan (supervised by Dr. Sandeep Raha), delivers her Child Health Research Day 2022 award-winning presentation: Investigating the impact of…
From Cheryl Crocker
34 plays
A Review of the Evidence in Pediatric Asthma- What's New in 2022? | Dr. Shannon French | January 11, 2022Dr. Shannon French, Clinical Immunology & Allergy, reviews what's new in pediatric asthma.
From Michelle Skrobek
40 plays
Food Allergies: A Spectrum of Disease | October 7, 2021Dr. Marian Hannah Hannah discusses Infant and pediatric presentation of allergy and addresses the following objectives 1) Understanding the difference between IgE and Non-IgE mediated food allergies;…
From Cheryl Crocker
48 plays
WidefieldIntro21Intro to widefield imaging on a Nikon Fluorescence device and NIS Elements software. January 2021.
From Ray Truant
29 plays
Review of Fall SessionThis is the first part of the Monday lecture, where selected topics from the Fall session are reviewed. It consists of multiple choice questions and discussion around the solutions.
From Janos Juhasz
70 plays