Presented by Gaisha Oralova at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomics Society
McMaster's Victor Kuperman uses innovative eye-tracking technology to better understand why some people have difficulty reading.
Dr. Kourosh Sabri is a Paediatric Ophthalmologist, Strabismologist and Associate Professor at the McMaster University. He manages all aspects of paediatric ophthalmology and adult strabismus, leading…
Dr. Teixeira is the founding director of the Laboratory of Cognitive Sciences and Psycholinguistics at the Federal University of Ceará, Brazil. She is also a Master's and PhD advisor at…
This is a virtual tour of the ARiEAL Research Centre. Watch this short video to learn more about the research being done by ARiEAL researchers.
This is a virtual tour of the Reading Lab at ARiEAL Research Centre. Watch this short video to learn more about the research being done by Dr. Victor Kuperman and the lab.
CHEMENG 3L02 - Intermediate Laboratory Skills Lab: Climbing Film Evaporator Week: 1 Topic: measurement walkthrough
CHEMENG 4L02 - Advanced Laboratory Skills Lab: Gas Phase Catalysis Week: 1 Topic: understanding the lab safety
Presenter: Mitch Ross Supervisor(s): Dr. Heather Sheardown Project Description: INTRODUCTION:Allergic conjunctivitis affects nearly 40% of the North American population. Topical eye drops are the…
This lecture is part of MedPhys 4D03 lecture series for the Fall 2020 semester. This
lecture covers the tools used in medical image analysis, such as feature
detection, image registration,…
An overview for instructors who want to reveal or hide their grades from students in Avenue to Learn. Click here for a short text-based summary of the steps you can take to make grades in Avenue to…