Search for media from: "Ray Truant"

Deconvolution Module

Image deconvolution and Z-stacks on a widefield fluorescence microscope. Nikon NIS Elements, January 2021.

From  Ray Truant 90 plays 0  

Quiz 2 takeup

From  Ray Truant 32 plays 0  


Intro to widefield imaging on a Nikon Fluorescence device and NIS Elements software. January 2021.

From  Ray Truant 29 plays 0  

3CB3 Lecture 1 intro

From  Ray Truant 28 plays 0  

Tokai Stage Incubator

10 minute video on how to setup the Tokai HIT stage incubator.

From  Ray Truant 23 plays 0  

C2 Confocal basic imaging v2

Basic confocal plus deconvolution imaging.

From  Ray Truant 22 plays 0  


Imaging module for DIC and phase contrast on the Nikon Eclipse. About 12 minutes in total

From  Ray Truant 16 plays 0  

Nov 17th lecture

Record video from Nov 17th group G

From  Ray Truant 11 plays 0  

Mode3D 3D printing microscopy chambers

Design and manufacture of bespoke live cell chambers for fluorescence microscopy.

From  Ray Truant 9 plays 0  

lab meeting with M7000 notes

From  Ray Truant 8 plays 0  

Feb 2 JC

From  Ray Truant 2 plays 0  

April 20 journal club

Poly(ADP) ribose polymerase promotes DNA polymerase theta-mediated end joining by activation of end resection

From  Ray Truant 2 plays 0  

journal club

From  Ray Truant 2 plays 0  

march 23 JC

From  Ray Truant 2 plays 0  

Jan 19 2023 Journal Club

From  Ray Truant 1 plays 0  

april 27th

From  Ray Truant 1 plays 0  

March 30 JC

From  Ray Truant 1 plays 0  

April 20 2023

From  Ray Truant 0 plays 0